Chào các bạn, mình là Khang đến từ Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ IELTS MASTER HCM – ENGONOW. Hôm nay mình rất vui khi có thể chia sẻ đến các bạn Phrasal Verbs chủ đề “Money”. Chúc các bạn học tốt nhé!

Explanation (Giải thích)
Dưới đây là những từ vựng Phrasal verbs chủ đề “Money”:
- Bring in: Kiếm tiền, mang lại thu nhập
- Come into: Thừa kế tiền
- Fork out: Chi trả (thường là không sẵn lòng)
- Live on: Sống dựa vào
- Save up: Tiết kiệm tiền
- Cough up: Trả tiền một cách miễn cưỡng
- Pay back: Trả lại tiền đã vay
- Splash out: Chi tiêu hoang phí
- Chip in: Góp tiền
- Club together: Cùng nhau góp tiền
- Get by (on): Xoay sở để sống với số tiền ít ỏi
- Put aside: Để dành tiền
- Rip off: Bị chặt chém, bán với giá quá cao
- Rake in: Kiếm được nhiều tiền
Review (Ôn tập)
Hãy sử dụng những từ vựng Phrasal verbs “Money” này trong các câu của bạn để nhớ lâu hơn. Dưới đây là một vài câu ví dụ:
Bring in
- Her YouTube channel brings in a significant amount of money every month.
Come into
- He came into a small inheritance after his aunt passed away.
Fork out
- I had to fork out extra cash for a last-minute flight.
Live on
- They live on just one income since she decided to stay home with the kids.
Save up
- We’re saving up to buy a new house next year.
Cough up
- He reluctantly coughed up the fine to avoid going to court.
Pay back
- She promised to pay back the loan before the end of the month.
Splash out
- He splashed out on a designer watch for his birthday.
Chip in
- Let’s all chip in to get a wedding gift for her.
Club together
- We clubbed together to organize a surprise party for our boss.
Get by (on)
- She gets by on just a small pension and part-time work.
Put aside
- I’ve been putting aside some money for a rainy day.
Rip off
- That souvenir shop is a rip-off; the same items are much cheaper online.
Rake in
- The restaurant is raking in profits during the holiday season.
Exercise (Bài tập)
Use the following words to complete the sentences:
bring in, come into, fork out, live on, save up, cough up, pay back, splash out, chip in, club together, get by (on), put aside, rip off, rake in
- After years of hard work, the business finally started to ________ a decent income.
- When her grandfather passed away, she ________ a large inheritance.
- I had to ________ $50 for a taxi after missing the bus.
- They ________ a small budget because they don’t want to take out loans.
- He’s trying to ________ enough money to buy a new laptop.
- After much arguing, he eventually ________ the money for the repairs.
- Don’t forget to ________ your friend the money you borrowed last week.
- They decided to ________ on a luxury hotel for their honeymoon.
- Everyone in the office agreed to ________ for a birthday gift for the manager.
- We ________ to buy her a beautiful wedding present.
- It’s tough to ________ such a low salary in an expensive city.
- I’ve been trying to ________ a little money every month for emergencies.
- The ticket prices are ridiculous; this concert is a total ________.
- That company is ________ millions from its new line of products.
Bạn đang tìm kiếm khóa học IELTS Bình Tân, Quận 6 chất lượng để nâng cao vốn từ vựng và tự tin chinh phục bài thi IELTS? IELTS Master Engonow tự hào là trung tâm đào tạo IELTS tiên phong ứng dụng Trí Tuệ Nhân Tạo sẽ giúp bạn hiện thực hóa mục tiêu này.
Hy vọng thông tin trên sẽ có ích cho những bạn học đang trong quá trình chinh phục IELTS. Chúc các bạn học tốt.
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